Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Dreams, are not they the funniest of things?
They morph themselves into sticky thoughts
throw your rationale down into the depths
take you for a blissful ride in silver chariots
across the never ending plains full of rainbows
to a place that does not really exist but does.
Uncertainty principle? Heisenberg is proud.

Dreams, are not they the most powerful?
They show you a different, a parallel universe
set you up in a impish trap of useless musings
demand you to question, rebel, and fight.
Lure you to cross into the land of unknowns
from a perfectly fitting contemporary scene
make a wanderer out of your once content self.

Dreams, are not they the cruelest of all?
They are made of most delicate, fragile crystal.
At the slightest touch of the wind, they collapse
a mere reasoning with reality, they shatter
into a thousand, million, billion different pieces
and they grip your heart tightly and crush it
until there is none of it left and whatever remains
vanishes into a deep, emotionless black hole!

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