Sunday, August 1, 2010

Afternoon Nap

Every single afternoon nap I have ever taken
results in a recurring theme; like a simple story
unfolding within its own self, discovering a new depth
every time it is retold. It morphs, twists and turns
casts prismatic hues, hurls sharp dazzling crystals.
Truth plays with shadows, thin air sparks into hopes
devilish characters in masks break into sweetest smiles
while strange apparitions burst into shimmering waves.

I wake up in utter distress, complete incoherence
while the world watches me in total nonchalance.
Perhaps it is because we travel the edges of a realm
that is entirely different from our nightly journeys?
Almost nonexistent slumber-land bordering oblivion
where we are summoned to play slightly mad games
wield powers, wager spirited wars and control courses
lose reason, bask in the glory of our super ego, the id
temporarily thrown into a wondrous world without words
and then we wake up, nothing but us remains changed.
Nobody ever remembers the bliss but the traces remain
slow but eventual return to the mundane routine of life
and people sulk without even realizing why and what for!

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